Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Meeting 12/07 - Movie night 12/10

Hello, libertarians!

We're meeting Thursday, tomorrow, on 1st floor Crosby. We're discussing market failure, which is the theory which most advocates of government intervention in an economy use - from subsidization of education to the taxation of pollution, to antitrust laws.

This is our last meeting of the semester, and we're going to be voting on T-Shirt designs! If, for whatever reason you cannot be there to vote, e-mail and I'll tally your vote.
Last meeting we narrowed the decisions down to
Capitalist Pig
Liberty Now, Liberty Forever (with cool, metal logo)

Sunday we're meeting at Madonna, in the main room, at 3:00 PM to watch a movie, so be there!

Here are some links discussing market failure.

Great overview of market failure at Libertarian Studies
Milton Friedman criticism of government intervention
CATO Study

Also! I come with a message from our great former leader about his experience at the Koch Summer Fellowship, and would advise anyone who is looking into a career in public policy to take a look.

"I'd recommend that any member of Campus Libertarians seriously
interested in public policy apply for the Koch Summer Fellowship. I
was a Koch Fellow in 2006 and had an absolute blast! It's the best
experience a libertarian can have in DC -- you get put up in excellent
apartments with 50 other libertarians, paid a stipend that covers a
summer's worth of transportation, clubbing, and pubbing, and work at a
think tank that matches your research interests. It's a very
competitive applicant pool, but the application doesn't take much time
to complete and the benefits are huge, so I'd advise junior and senior
CL members to take a look --


If anyone wants to ask him anything about it, he can be reached at
I would also reccomend his blog for some quality, erudite economics discussion at Trade Diversion


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